
Rich and creamy avocados are quite versatile. You can dice them into salads, stuff them with fillings, or mash them to make guacamole or sandwich spreads. Their only big drawback is that they're also high in calories and fat, though the fat is mostly monounsaturated, which isn't as bad as other kinds. Since they bruise easily, grocers want customers to buy them while they're still hard and then take them home to ripen at room temperature for a few days. They.ll ripen more quickly if you put them in a paper bag along with an apple or banana. They're ripe when they yield to a gentle squeeze.

To open an avocado, just cut it in half lengthwise around the seed, twist the two halves apart, and then pop the seed out with a spoon or knife. Avocados darken soon after being cut, so serve them right away or sprinkle them with lemon or lime juice to slow the discoloration. Don't ever refrigerate, freeze, or cook avocados.